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This title would fly from the shelves in the 1980s and 1990s. It was groundbreaking in its detailed study of remedy groups.
The first edition appeared in 1887 soon after the death of the author on 17 Dec 1885.
Despite having been written 140 years ago, the reader will find chapters such as The Animal Kingdom, Ophidia, The Vegetable Kingdom, Ranunculaceae, Solanaceae, The Carbon Group, The Acids, Halogens, The Noble Metals, Mineral Kingdom and Coniferae. This is a truly remarkable book (!)
1037 pages and full of Farrington's precision and dedication.
Particular groups of remedies are compared within their own plant, mineral and animal groupings.
This is an Indian hardback publication from B Jain of Delhi.
Recommended and a bargain at the current price.
Lectures on Clinical Materia Medica in Family Order
- Author: Farrington Dr E.A.
- Product Code: IND
- Availability: In Stock
- £14.95