It is nearly seven years since Elizabeth's book - 'Touching Base with Trauma:- Reaching Across the Generations - a Three-Dimensional Homeopathic Perspective' was published.
This has transpired to be a seminal contribution on the subject of trauma. Its release has been very timely with the current increased awareness of the rise in both naturally de-stabilising events as well as conflicts around the world which are occurring today.
Now, Elizabeth has combined with her long-standing colleague and friend, Nigel Hargreaves, who is, as well as an experienced homeopath, an expert on climate change. We decided to join our efforts in putting forward a sustainable approach to health. This was based on our understanding of the different challenges of our rapidly changing world today compared with those at the time homeopathy was first discovered. Our basic message is that the fundamental principles still apply within this approach.
Together, we have delineated in the text the difference between trauma (the early wound) and traumatisation (which we believe taps into the original wound). Adopting this awareness with their patients, the authors have discovered, awakens the often unhealed parts which are crying out for help. It also contributes to the building of the much needed resilience to resist the perpetual pressures of today's world.
Flourishing Against the Odds - Homeopathy for our Rapidly Changing World
- Author: Adalian, Elizabeth & Hargreaves, Nigel
- Product Code: GB
- Availability: In Stock