Elizabeth Wright-Hubbard was one of those utterly formidable ladies that the homeopathic world sometimes luxuriates in. She would make house-calls in a Rolls-Royce that she called Rosalie. Very tall, and would be guaranteed to make a huge impression everywhere she went. No doubt, people that didn't like her would have called her ostentatious. People might have imagined that she was the daughter of a business magnate but in fact her father was a Unitarian minister.
She learnt her homeopathy from the best teachers available, including Pierre Schmidt. Her writings are here collected in one volume. They have been edited and I remember noting that at least one interesting reference to astrology had been removed by the editors, probably to make the work more 'respectable'. I thought this a shame.
Was originally £17.95. This is the Beaconsfield paperback with 344 inspiring pages.
Please click the download button for sample pages. Was £17.95.
Dr Elizabeth Wright Hubbard was one of the most brilliant homoeopaths of the twentieth century. This book represents a large part of her teaching and writing, setting before the reader her great gift of being able to describe homoeopathy in a way that imprinted itself in the minds of all who studied with her.
She begins by examining the nature and philosophy of homoeopathy and its relationship with conventional medicine. This is followed by a valuable discussion on the use of the repertory and then by a major section on remedies, in which she displays her wide-ranging and often intuitive mastery of the materia medica. There is a further major section on cases, demonstrating the skill with which she was able to match the symptom picture of the patient to the proved indications of the relevant remedy. The final section of the book comprises the famous 'Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy'. Here she explains in expanded detail how the homoeopath proceeds in the evaluation and management of the individual case.
'What a treasure trove this book is, a posthumous collection of essays from one of the most brilliant homeopaths of the twentieth century. ...They are perhaps the most pleasurable way for someone schooled in allopathic thinking to grasp the essence of the homeopathic mind. They illustrate the idea of the simillimum, the minimum dose, and the single remedy in a way which mentioning these principles here does nothing to convey. ...They are essentially anecdotal evidence and they are essential reading. When the inadmissible evidence has been disclosed we have learned the truth.'
Editors - Dr Maesimund B. Panos and Della DesRosiers, Homeopathy Today (USA)
Homoeopathy as Art and Science
- Author: Wright-Hubbard, Dr Elizabeth
- Product Code: GB
- Availability: In Stock
- £17.95