Hahnemann, Samuel
Materia Medica Pura (2 volumes)
Original provings from Hahnemann. Indian paperback edition in two separate volumes published by B Ja..
Organon of Medicine (Dudgeon - Boericke Translation)
5th and 6th editions are combined. B Jain Publishers paperback printed in 2005.This is the fifth and..
Organon of Medicine (Jost Kunzli Translation)
Easy to read version by the famous homoepath who produced an expanded edition of Kent's Repertory..
Organon of the Medical Art (Translated Wenda Brewster-O'Reilly) Paperback
Fresh stock soon.The most recent translation of the Organon. Popular because of the shorter sentence..
The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure
The two volume edition from IndiaWe also have the British edition at a special lower price ..
The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure
Just the philosophical section of the original two volume work. This does not include the hom..
The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure (British)
Reduced from £35. This is a beautiful high quality hardback volume. Weight is 1.75 kilos ..