Clarke, Dr J.H.
Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica
B Jain Publishers, Delhi. Paperback. 383 pages.This used to be a common purchase of our customers al..
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (3 Vols) British Edition
High quality British edition of the celebrated work of Dr John Henry Clarke.Three excellent volum..
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Indigestion - Its Causes and Cure
Excellent read from the highly influential John Henry Clarke who was the author of the wonderful Dic..
The Prescriber (British hardback edition)
A British hardback edition at a bargain price. Not sold elsewhere. Not to be compared with t..
Therapeutics of the Serpent Poisons
Lachesis, Crotalus Horridus, Naja, Elaps, Vipera, Bothrops, Toxicophis and Cenchris Contortrix...