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Children's Types (by Kusse)

Children's Types (by Kusse)

  An interesting follow-on from Borland's Children's Types and Farokh Master's Clin..


Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume C

Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume C

Out of stock - Sorry   Children's remedies are discussed. These are Hyoscyamus, Veratru..


Out of Stock
Delicate, Backward, Puny and Stunted Children

Delicate, Backward, Puny and Stunted Children

B Jain Publishers paperback. 164 pages.A title guaranteed to raise eyebrows. Do not read in front..


Diseases of Children

Diseases of Children

Santwani is clearer but this has good material on problems such as rickets...


Healing Childhood Ear Infections (Reduced)

Healing Childhood Ear Infections (Reduced)

Sub-titled 'Prevention, Home Care, and Alternative Treatment' This is the North Atlantic Books ..


Homeopathic Care of Mother and Child

Homeopathic Care of Mother and Child

The author states that the book is prepared to help mothers treat themselves along with their infant..


Homeopathy for Children

Homeopathy for Children

Useful for parents and some ideas for practitioners. Subtitled 'A Parent's Guide to the Treatment ..


Out of Stock
Homoeopathic Sketches of Children's Types

Homoeopathic Sketches of Children's Types

OUT OF STOCK.  Compare Herscu. Contains more remedies but less detail. Extremely popula..


Homoeopathic Treatment in the Nursery

Homoeopathic Treatment in the Nursery

Just 12 pages of text. Very basic...


Homoeopathy in Epidemic Diseases

Homoeopathy in Epidemic Diseases

Always a wonderful informative read! Chapters on prophylaxis, diptheria, scarlet fever, measles..


The Homeopathic Treatment of Children

The Homeopathic Treatment of Children

This is the USA paperback and not the Indian edition. Always a best seller. Strong constituti..


Your Healthy Child with Homeopathy

Your Healthy Child with Homeopathy

Sub-titled 'A Practical Guide for Parents'. Explains what homeopathy is and how remedies are used...


ADHD - Or How Carefree Childhood Can Be

ADHD - Or How Carefree Childhood Can Be

NEW. Paperback published in Holland by Emryss in 2023.Nowadays we hear increasingly of the growing n..




Patricia Le Roux's posthumous work finally available (!)  A good quality hardback with sixty ch..


Homeopathic Types (Kusse)

Homeopathic Types (Kusse)

Subtitled '60 of the Most Important Constitutional Types With Photographs'.Email us for a sample cha..


Millie and Tillie Meet Arnica

Millie and Tillie Meet Arnica

This is a beautiful magical story, about an inquisitive 7 year old girl named Millie and her magic..


The Child's World

The Child's World

Subtitled 'New Approaches to the Homeopathic Treatment of Children.'Special offer until the end o..


The Homeopathic Treatment of Children

The Homeopathic Treatment of Children

  A thirty minute interview. Heidi Brand interviews Patricia Le Roux. Topics are: ..


The Homeopathic Treatment of Hyperactivity

The Homeopathic Treatment of Hyperactivity

  This book welcomes the reader into Henny's classroom. Transcripts of eight supervision..


The Homeopathy Handbook For Children

The Homeopathy Handbook For Children

Extremely valuable new addition to the homeopathic bookshelf. Published in Germany, this is a qua..


Showing 1 to 20 of 20 (1 Pages)
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