Repertories and Repertorial Work
A Concise Repertory of Homoeopathic Medicines
The ever-popular A-Z repertory of Dr Phatak. Simple to use. Doesn't pretend to be complete but a won..
A Repertory of Gonorrhoea
78 pages. Incidentally there was a homeopathic book on this subject by a Dr Clapp - Honest truth (!..
A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica (Re-arranged and Augmented)
530 page softback. Much loved by mainly students and serious homeopaths as a reliable refe..
Analysis and Evaluation of Rubrics / Symptoms of Dr Kent's Repertory of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
This book is utterly GIGANTIC and weighs in at 3200 grams. Dr Patel is a stickler for the correct cl..
Analytical Repertory of the Symptoms of the Mind
361 fascinating pages.Paperback edition from B Jain of New Delhi. ..
Boenninghausen's Therapeutic Pocket Book
B Jain paperback. 2018. - This 503 page Pocket Book includes a 76 page introduction by..
Boger Boenninghausen's Characteristics, Materia Medica and Repertory (Thumb-Indexed)
Cyrus Boger was perhaps the greatest scholar of Boenninghausen's work and this is the fruit of his l..
Clinical Repertory to the Dictionary of Materia Medica
B Jain Publishers, Delhi. Paperback. 383 pages.This used to be a common purchase of our customers al..
Kent's Comparative Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica
Hardback edition from India A super work.Differential diagnosis. Rubrics and entries in Kent c..
Logic of Repertories
B Jain Publishers, New Delhi. 6th impression 2010. 284 page softback. Covers a lot of ground r..
Perceiving Rubrics of the Mind (2nd Revised Ed)
Second revised edition from 1998. 20th impression from 2018. 505 pages. 1182 rubrics i..
Psychiatry Remedies - Materia Medica and Repertory
This Indian edition had the previous title 'Repertory of Psychic Medicines with Materia Medica'.Now ..
Repertory of the Elements
This repertory gives all of the symptoms and essences that were discovered and described ..
Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica (Indian Ed) Mini Size
This is the Indian produced 'Mini' size 18cm high. 14cm wide. 5.5cm deep. Current e..
Some Cross References to Kent's Repertory
53 page booklet which is now quite scarce. Dr P Sankaran was Rajan Sankaran's father and first home..
Synthesis. Repertorium Homeopathicum Syntheticum Edition 9.1
Published by B Jain, New Delhi to a good standard. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE IS NO CD WITH C..
Text Book of Homoeopathic Repertory
559 page hardback. Third 2006 reprint of the edition from 2000. Meticulous analysis of the most po..
The Essential Synthesis
An important repertory that is more reliable than most. The very latest edition of Synthesis wh..
The Mind Defined
Defines mental rubrics using Webster's American Dictionary which is probably exactly what Kent ..
The Principles and Practice of Repertorisation
Scarce.A mine of information as this describes in term the different repertories that are and have b..