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A Proving of Thiosinamine

A Proving of Thiosinamine

A proving of black ripe mustard seeds (Sinapis Nigra) that have been distilled into an oil. 124 p..


Animal Mind, Human Voices

Animal Mind, Human Voices

Provings of eight new animal remedies - Rat's Blood, Elephant's Blood, Lion's Milk, B..


Bellis Perennis

Bellis Perennis

Sub-titled 'A Proving of a Spagyrically Prepared Sympathetic Medicine'. A lot of reading...


Bracken - The Homeopathic Provings of Pteridium Aquilinum

Bracken - The Homeopathic Provings of Pteridium Aquilinum

Two provings of the same plant. One carried out in Wales and the other in England...


Cola - Homoeopathic Proving of Cola Nitida

Cola - Homoeopathic Proving of Cola Nitida

Reduced from £17.50.  Materia medica and cases. 305 pages. Very thorough coverage of the p..


Hahnemannian Provings 1924-59

Hahnemannian Provings 1924-59

Includes a small Carcinosinum proving along with X Ray and Pituitarum Posterium along with numerous ..


Index to Homoeopathic Provings

Index to Homoeopathic Provings

Prepared in 1901. This documents all of the homoeopathic provings that were know to Thomas Bradford ..


Materia Medica Pura (2 volumes)

Materia Medica Pura (2 volumes)

Original provings from Hahnemann. Indian paperback edition in two separate volumes published by B Ja..


Just Reprinted!
Meditative Provings Volume 1

Meditative Provings Volume 1

The purple hardback volume containing the first batch of the Guild of Homeopaths' Meditative Prov..


Placenta Humanum (Welsh)

Placenta Humanum (Welsh)

A4 size report of a proving on 85 single-side pages. First edition 2000. Just a little shopwear. ..


Plastic Wrapped - The Homoeopathic Proving of Clingfilm

Plastic Wrapped - The Homoeopathic Proving of Clingfilm

At a very special price. Normally £15.99.  Very interesting proving from a group of homeop..


Portia Fimbriata - The Incredible Power of a Tiny Little One.

Portia Fimbriata - The Incredible Power of a Tiny Little One.

The Pirate Spider which acts as potential prey but which ends up sucking dry the would-be predator...


Sacred Plants, Human Voices

Sacred Plants, Human Voices

Following along similar lines as her new book, Animal Minds, Human Voices, Nancy Herrick has done..


The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure

The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure

The two volume edition from IndiaWe also have the British edition at a  special lower price ..


The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure (British)

The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure (British)

Reduced from £35. This is a beautiful high quality hardback volume.  Weight is 1.75 kilos ..


The Dynamics and Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings

The Dynamics and Methodology of Homoeopathic Provings

Considered the definitive reference for conducting a proving...


The Homeopathic and Meditative Proving of Emerald

The Homeopathic and Meditative Proving of Emerald

One of the most interesting of the meditative remedies. Possibly especially useful for Leos going th..


The Homoeopathic Proving of Chocolate

The Homoeopathic Proving of Chocolate

Proved by the Dynamis School of Advanced Homoeopathic Studies...


The Homoeopathic Proving of Knopper Oak Galls

The Homoeopathic Proving of Knopper Oak Galls

1998 proving of the morbid growth produced on the cupules of Quercus Pendunculata by Cynips Calicis ..


The Making and Proving of Sol Britannic

The Making and Proving of Sol Britannic

Published by Helios Pharmacy. At half the usual price.Fascinating proving. John Henry Clarke al..


Showing 1 to 21 of 39 (2 Pages)
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