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Materia Medica

A First Materia Medica For Homoeopathy

A First Materia Medica For Homoeopathy

Sub-titled 'A Self-Directed Learning Text'. Margaret Roy is a highly experienced teacher of homeopa..


A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility

A Homeopathic Guide to Partnership and Compatibility

Using knowledge of homeopathic character types to aid finding the partner. Many references to films..


A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology With Clinical Index

A Manual of Materia Medica and Pharmacology With Clinical Index

Published by B Jain of New Delhi.2016 printing.Excellent for obscure remedies. 686 page paperback.&..


A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica

A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica

Revised and augmented edition 2002. Over 800 pages of clearly laid-out information on materia medica..


A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica Part 1

A Select Homoeopathic Materia Medica Part 1

Second revised edition from 1998. A more recent 2002 edition has since appeared but this has a lot ..


A Study on Materia Medica

A Study on Materia Medica

Recommended!  Choudhuri was a student of James Tyler Kent, no less. We now have some hardb..


A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica (Re-arranged and Augmented)

A Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica (Re-arranged and Augmented)

530 page softback. Much loved by mainly students and serious homeopaths as a reliable refe..


Ambra Grisea - The Chronic Picture

Ambra Grisea - The Chronic Picture

Excellent 90 page pamphlet of this fascinating and often neglected remedy. ..


Ammoniums - The Sour Prunes

Ammoniums - The Sour Prunes

B Jain Publishers, New Delhi. 3rd impression 200932 pages...


An Insight Into Plants Vol III  (Reduced)

An Insight Into Plants Vol III (Reduced)

Reduced from £105 as the books seem to have been packed too hastily at the printers when still a ..


An Insight Into Plants Vols 1 and 2

An Insight Into Plants Vols 1 and 2

Two hardback set printed in India. Foreword by Dr. Jan Scholten Acknowledgement Author's..


Birds - Homeopathic Remedies From the Avian Realm

Birds - Homeopathic Remedies From the Avian Realm

New hardback edition at a lower price.  505 pages. Published by Emryss in 2020. Prepared w..


Birds - Seeking the Freedom of the Skies

Birds - Seeking the Freedom of the Skies

211 pages of text. The Bird Remedies have rapidly become a significant part of practice. The ge..


Butterflies - An Innovative Guide to the Use of Butterfly Remedies

Butterflies - An Innovative Guide to the Use of Butterfly Remedies

New hardback.FRESH STOCK EXPECTED BY 1 SEPT From the publisher The well-known French paediatrici..




From the publisher: CARBON IS THE FOUNDATION OF ALL LIFE. It is the most prolific element, f..


Out of Stock
Carcinosin Drug Picture

Carcinosin Drug Picture

Still the main text for this remedy which is not found much in materia medicas and repertories. C..


Carcinosinum II - The Chronic Picture

Carcinosinum II - The Chronic Picture

Chunky 148 page booklet. Karl-Josef Muller's booklets are getting scarcer ..




New aspects of the remedy with cases. 96 pages. ..


Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume A

Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume A

Essences of Nat Mur, Nat Sulph and Sulph. Remedies and their characteristic symptoms in acute dis..


Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume B

Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume B

Essences of Staphysagria, Ignatia, Nat-Carb, Nit-Ac, Sul-Ac, Sil, Phos-Ac, Pic-Ac, Sep. Mur-Ac. A..


Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume E

Classical Homoeopathic Lectures - Volume E

Remedies : Ferrum Met, Ferrum Iod, Kali Ferr, Rhus Tox, Calc Sulph, Lac Can, Alumina, Calc Phos. ..


Showing 1 to 21 of 211 (11 Pages)
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