Cola - Homoeopathic Proving of Cola Nitida
Reduced from £17.50. Materia medica and cases. 305 pages. Very thorough coverage of the p..
Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica (3 Vols) British Edition
High quality British edition of the celebrated work of Dr John Henry Clarke.Three excellent volum..
£33.00 £120.00
Homoeopathy as Art and Science
Elizabeth Wright-Hubbard was one of those utterly formidable ladies that the homeopathic world somet..
£9.95 £17.95
In Search of the Later Hahnemann
Now at a very special price of just £10.95 for a limited time. Big reduction from £16.95. ..
Looking Back, Moving Forward
Was £33 - Fascinating 500 page tome with in depth interviews of many of UK homeopathy's l..
£7.95 £33.00
Plastic Wrapped - The Homoeopathic Proving of Clingfilm
At a very special price. Normally £15.99. Very interesting proving from a group of homeop..
Schussler's Twelve Tissue Salts
Special price at £10.95 instead of £14.95 for limited period. British hardback edition of th..
£10.95 £14.95
Studies of Homoeopathic Remedies
Recommended. Superb for students. The descriptions often facilitate memorising of symptoms. ..
£18.95 £27.00
The Chronic Diseases - Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homoeopathic Cure (British)
Reduced from £35. This is a beautiful high quality hardback volume. Weight is 1.75 kilos ..
The Homeopathic and Meditative Proving of Emerald
One of the most interesting of the meditative remedies. Possibly especially useful for Leos going th..
The Making and Proving of Sol Britannic
Published by Helios Pharmacy. At half the usual price.Fascinating proving. John Henry Clarke al..
The Mind Defined
Defines mental rubrics using Webster's American Dictionary which is probably exactly what Kent ..
The Prescriber (British hardback edition)
A British hardback edition at a bargain price. Not sold elsewhere. Not to be compared with t..
A Guide to the Plant Theory of Jan Scholten
Paperback published by Narayana of Germany. 252 pages. Previously £35.Deborah Collins’ hi..
A World Map of Homeopathic Families
Reduced from £39.95. - 288 page paperback from Scotland which first appeared in 2022.'A ..
Ancient Egyptian Medicine and the Law of Similars
Now back in stock!This informative booklet of 40 pages fills in an important gap found in Harris Cou..
Cancer in Animals - What is to be Cured?
At a special reduced price! Normally retails at approx £35. Quality hardback. 192 large size pa..
Dispelling Vaccination Myths (2 copies)
Sold in bundles of 2 copies. Subtitled 'An Introduction to the Contradictions between Medical S..
Homoeopathy For Sports, Exercise and Dance
Previously £24.95 but now just £9.95. This Beaconsfield paperback published in the United Kingdom is..
Human Chemistry - Integrated Therapy from a Homeopathic Perspective
Reduced from £38 to £24.95. The price reduction is because of a new second edition that has the same..
£24.95 £38.00
Psyche and Structure - Crystals & Minerals in Homeopathy
Special reduction price for this huge and beautiful hardback book. One and a quarter kilos. 400 page..